From the feedback we had to categorise them into three categories: Could be Useful, Ego & Useful feedback.
Could be useful - if more specific
- Good range of research - the video especially
- Nice to see how research developed
- Lots of good examples
- Good choice of designers
- Overall very good
- High skill interest
- Wide knowledge of the topic
- Clear & to the point
- Really nice examples
- Clearly understand the subject matter
- Well explained, clear passion, good points & interesting videos
- Not much historical information
- Like to know about your opinions of work
- What draws you into it?
Task: Set 3 objectives on how to improve my summer brief.
- More historical research - the majority of my research was image based and contemporary work, looking more into different designers than the history of how hand drawn type has progressed.
- Give my opinions in presentation - What do I like & why?
- Look into a specific area/designer who I really like in the subject area